Dream Wedding is a nation wide wedding planning app for newly engaged couples. The goal of Dream Wedding is for couples to book their caterer and venue straight in the app. By entering all their wedding details, the app will display available venue and caterers within those dates. Dream Wedding App target audience are busy millennials who are looking to streamline planning their wedding.
Problem: Users have to book their venue and wedding menu separately.
Project goal: Create an app that allows users to book their wedding venue and wedding menu.
Role: Lead UX Designer (Sketching, Wireframing, Visual Design, prototyping, research)
Time: 2 weeks
Programs used: Figma
During the initial sketches, I focused on allowing users to find their dream venue by displaying different choices in different buckets. Users can easily identify what are the top 3 or most popular venues.

Through the unmoderated user study, 7 users were interviewed. They were asked to compete the main user flow, which was to book a venue and menu. It was discovered that have too many photos overwhelmed the user. To remedy that, the revised screen will display additional photos one at a time through a carousel that the user can control.

As this project was just focused on booking a venue and menu, future consideration will be another round of user testing to see whether user pain points we address effectively and to see what additional features can be added in.